beat brexit by winning awards for export 1

Export Awards

Whether you champion the ‘in’ or ‘out’ camp in the Brexit discussion, one thing is for sure; if your business is based in the UK, you are hoping for an outcome that ensures you have the strongest possible trading opportunities, no matter what the result of the referendum.

Knowing what being in or out of Europe means to your business is important, and of course, having a clear view of the future is essential, but if you have already achieved ‘export’ status you already have something to recognise, celebrate, share and benefit from in many ways.

Now more than ever is the time to show the world why you are a great British business; to show them that you are a safe bet when it comes to international trade; to show them what you can offer as a seasoned expert at exporting.

Award-winning exporters stand out

Exporters face incomparable challenges — finding the right global markets, managing a global strategy, taking the most effective routes to market, managing employees within a new culture, balancing revenues across multiple currencies — you name it, pretty much everything about exporting is challenging.

When you get it right, when you cross all the bridges and when you jump all the hurdles, exporting can create outstanding benefits for your business.

If you have battled through economic turbulence over many years and come out on top by taking your products, operations and services across the world, you could now be in line for a key return on your investment by becoming an award-winning exporter.

In these changing global times, wouldn’t you like to have the external credibility that will give you the competitive edge?

Because if exporting suddenly becomes more complicated, challenging or competitive than it already is, then your award-winning status might just be the golden ticket you need to get you through the door to a new market.

Exporters, your country needs you!

It’s time to shout about your success and get the recognition you deserve. Just think how much value an award that tells the world you are the best business in your country and your industry could bring.

Did you know about the incredible awards out there specifically designed to recognise exporters? They are available to both the most accomplished exporters and the newest exporters on the block.

Have a look at my top three awards for UK exporters

1. The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise

Perhaps the most coveted award for UK-based businesses.

These awards are also extremely rigorous. The International Trade category requires a minimum annual turnover of, £100K and NO DIPS in profits are allowed (unlike in the Innovation and Sustainability categories).

Approximately 100 exporters receive awards from The Queen every year, and the value of the award to each business is truly outstanding.

Important dates: Open May to September

2. The Chamber Business Awards

Run by the British Chamber, who have the knowledge and experience you need to grow and develop your export capabilities, these awards naturally always feature an export category.

Entrants start by competing at regional level only, then the finalists from each region go on to compete nationally where one will be crowned the overall winner.

You don’t need to be a member of the Chamber to enter, but your entry is free if you become a member.

Important dates: Open 11th April, deadline 24th June.

3. The National Business Awards

These awards have just introduced an exciting new category for 2016 — the QBE New Exporter of the Year in association with Exporting is GREAT.

Designed to celebrate the newest exporters on the block, entrants will be setting the benchmark for success with their results from the past 18 months.

The entry experience for finalists includes a presentation to the judges in September, a prestigious gala dinner in November and media promotion for winners.

Important dates: Open now, deadline 20th May.

4. New Award for 2016: The UK Business Awards 2016

On top of the three great awards above, we now have a brilliant new award open to enter for all businesses across the UK.

Created by Awards International, the people behind popular awards such as the UK Customer Experience Awards and the Employee Experience Awards, The UK Business Awards includes a category especially for Exporters and promises to be a big highlight in the annual awards calendar for many.

Important dates: Open now, deadline 23rd August

These are just a few awards out of many international and national awards, and the chances are, if you are doing well enough to win one of these, there are many more you could win, too.

I have personally seen the difference a high-profile award can make to a business trying to open the doors to a new market or raise its profile in a new country, so don’t miss out on the kudos that being a national award winner can bring to your business, or you could miss out on much more.

For a FREE Queen’s Awards assessment or to be assessed for your likelihood of winning any one of the awards above and more, just drop me a line and by answering a brief set of questions I’ll be able to let you know whether 2016 is your best year to enter and my experience will give you an outstanding chance of success.

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